Secure and convenient way to have an appointment
Bringing the care to patients home
Bring care closer
Video consultations can bring the health care professional close in rural and remote areas where long distances can prevent the patient visiting the healthcare facility.
Complementary care service
Interactive telehealth fosters a positive therapeutic relationship. The interactive telehealth service can be seen as a complementary service delivery to face-to-face service.
Comfortable for patients
Patients experience the clinician’s service received via videoconference to be personalized, safe and secure since they can stay in the comfort of their own home.
High-quality online video calls
Video consultations features
- Book a new video appointment for your patient from the integrated calendar
- Send a calendar invite link to your own and patients email
- Edit or cancel the booked video appointments
- See all your video consultations in your calendar
- Video call with high-quality video connection
- Integrated chat – use the chat function during the video call for sharing documents or photos
- Patient can attend the call with any terminal device

At their best, good tools like this mean you don’t have to spend time reasoning with your clients: they are much more willing to continue with the treatment and keep going. For us, the right tools have been provided by Medixine.

Pirita Hämäläinen
CEO, Founder, Psychologist, ABA and behavioral therapist, VERSO Kuntoutus rehabilition