Direct and instant communication
Save time with efficient chat

Chat with multiple patients at the same time

Use chat during video consultation to share pictures

Decide the opening hours day-by-day or on a weekly basis
Chat features
Administrative functions
- Configure one lobby or multiple chat lobbies around different topics
- Assign different professionals to different lobbies
- Configure lobby open hours to limit access
- Configure exceptions to lobby open hours to allow for holiday closures and other exceptional situations.
- Specify estimated chat conversation duration so that the system can show patients their expected queue times
Chat for professional
- Chat with the patient using a modern instant messaging interface
- Set your presence: Offline mode to use the application without interfering with chat queue times
- Pick patients from the queue
- Send attached files and images – images are shown directly in chat
- Engage in one or multiple conversations at once.
- Necessary contact information for the patient and a quick link to patient’s medical profile available.
- Provide a summary of medically relevant matters after the conversation has ended
- Book follow-up video appointments directly from the UI
Chat for patient
- Chat with the professional using a modern instant messaging interface
- See available chat lobbies, their descriptions and open hours.
- Join an open lobby and input your contact reason.
- See expected queue times and whether the lobby is uncommonly busy
- Send attached files and images – images are shown directly in chat
The system has managed the load perfectly. We are very satisfied with the Medixine solution.

Päivi Metsäniemi
Chief Medical Officer, Finnish Student Healthcare Services FTHS